Laste mänguväljak Pärnu Munamäe pargis

Children's playground in Munamäe Park in Pärnu

Lõuna tänav, Pärnu linn, Pärnu 80011
See on map

To find a hill in the centre of a town is amazing! And kids will be even more excited when they spot the playground at the foot of the hill. The children's playground in Munamäe Park in Pärnu offers a range of attractions, from swings and slides to carousels and climbing frames. There is also a sandbox. Climbing to the top of the hill and running down its slopes is sure to be fun, too. In winter Munamäe Hill is a popular place for sledding.

Features and amenities


Wheelchair accessible
Site lighting
Recreation area/picnic ground
Free parking

Getting there

Nearby stops

Bus: Teater


By excursion bus
By public transport
By car

Times and prices


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