Suvituse tn 14, Pärnu linn, Pärnu linn 80012
Wasa Resort Spa
Wasa Resort Spa in Pärnu beach is perfect for a refreshing swim or a pampering spa treatment!
The pool and sauna centre has a pool, a hot tub, two saunas, and a sanarium with glass walls in the middle of the pool.
The spa offers a wide range of relaxing treatments for women, men, and children.
The swimming pools and saunas are available daily for hotel guests and as a gift to all those who order spa treatments from Sunday to Thursday.
Additional information
Features and amenities
Free parking
Bathing pool
Childrens playroom
Opening times
15.08 - 19.06
Mo-Th, Su 08:00 - 22:00
Fr, Sa 08:00 - 16:00
Fr, Sa 08:00 - 16:00