Piip ja Tuut ooperis: Hansuke ja Greteke

Piip ja Tuut ooperis: Hansuke ja Greteke

Sun, 3 December 12.00 Estonia Concert Hall Mon, 4 December 15.00 Estonia Concert Hall Tue, 5 December 12.00 Vanemuine Concert Hall Wed, 6 December 12.00 Pärnu Concert Hall Thu, 7 December 12.00 Jõhvi Concert Hall Piip and Tuut at the opera: Hansel and Gretel Piip and Tuut take to the stage Maris Liloson (soprano) Tuuri Dede (mezzo-soprano) Siim Selis (piano) Directors: Haide Männamäe and Toomas Tross   Today, Piip and Tuut are like Hansel and Gretel from the famous children’s opera by Engelbert Humperdinck. It is almost like Piip and Tuut can sing opera (at least they believe they do). On the other hand, Maris Liloson and Tuuri Dede have previously, and several times, sung opera and are very good at it. After all, they are opera singers! Siim Selis plays the piano. This is how an opera is staged. During the show the audience will learn every nuance of the story of Hansel and Gretel and hear well-known songs, such as “A dwarf stood in the forest” and “Goosey goosey gander, the mouse in the straw”.   A fifty-minute concert without intermission.