Linaküla, Kihnu vald 88003

Pärnamõisa accommodation in Kihnu

Pärnamõisa accommodation in Kihnu invites to relax in a dignified guesthouse and summer romantic barn. The guesthouse accommodates 12-15 people in rooms with 4 beds in each, suitable to be shared among a group of friends. The summer romantic barn has four rooms with two beds in each, which accommodates up to 10 people.
Both buildings have separate restrooms and shower rooms.

There is a fully equipped kitchen with dishes. In the yard you can spend time swinging, playing volleyball, training in an outdoor gym, having a barbecue, or just sitting in a boat.

Hot steam can be enjoyed in an igloo sauna for six people. We offer bicycle rental as well.

See you in Kihnu!


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Features and amenities

Free parking
Washing machine
Childrens playroom
Recreation area/picnic ground