Lotte Play Studio in Hestia Hotel Strand

Lotte Play Studio

Anton Hansen Tammsaare puiestee 35, Pärnu linn, Pärnu 80016
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Lotte Play Studio is a fun experience centre, located in Hestia Hotel Strand, that welcomes both children discovering the world and curious adults to have fun together. The Play Studio is divided into three parts: a beach, a picnic area, and a film studio. Here you'll find exciting places where you can dive into a sea of blue balls or fly yourself to the Philippines with a hammer throw. Use your imagination to produce your own movie or create music and pedal your way to the cinema on a bike! In the Lotte Play Studio, young and old alike will forget themselves in playing.  Come and see for yourself!

Features and amenities


Wheelchair accessible
Free parking

Additional services


Getting there

Nearby stops

Bus: Hotell Strand


Sealed access road
By excursion bus
By public transport
By car

Times and prices


10:00 - 19:00
Child 9.00€

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