Gustav Fabergé mälestusmärk

Gustav Fabergé monument

Aida tänav 4, Pärnu linn, Pärnu 80011
See on map

Gustav Faubergé (1814–1893) was a jeweller, born in Pärnu and later active in St. Petersburgh, who founded the House of Fabergé. His son Peter Carl Fabergé became a world-renowned jeweller, primarily famous for his precious metal Easter eggs that were encrusted with generous amounts of jewels. In addition to the Russian czar, all European royals ordered his masterpieces. Fabergé eggs can also be seen on the wonderful paintings of Tiina Ojaste, an artist from Pärnu. A bronze monument was erected in memory of Gustav Fabergé in Pärnu; the monument is a gift to Pärnu from Alexander Tenzo, a jeweller with Estonian roots.

Features and amenities


Wheelchair accessible
Site lighting
Information boards

Getting there

Nearby stops

Bus: Teater


Sealed access road
By excursion bus
By public transport
By car

Times and prices
