Linaküla, Kihnu vald 88003

Elly Bed & Breakfast in Kihnu


Elly Bed & Breakfast is located in the beautiful Linaküla, within walking distance of a romantic beach, which is perfect for swimming and sports. We offer accommodation in the main building (three bedrooms) and the granary in the yard. We also welcome guests who bring their tents.
You can also barbecue, go to sauna, take part in workshops, and discover the island and local culture with Elly.
You can also buy Elly’s handmade soaps and lip balms and taste craft ice creams. Call us for additional information!
We welcome you to spend a lovely holiday in our home!

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Features and amenities


Free parking
Motor home/caravan parking
Washing machine
Childrens playroom
Recreation area/picnic ground


Opening times

Advance bookings only