Sandra küla, Põhja-Sakala vald 71309
Canoe and kayak rental in Karuskose
The network of rivers in Soomaa offers tens of different routes from a 40-minute beaver observation trip in the evening to a five-day expedition through Soomaa. There are plenty of old farms and hiking trails along the routes. In case of longer trips, we can help with the logistics, the selection of routes and everything else you might need.We rent professional hiking canoes and single kayaks at the heart of Soomaa National park in Karuskose. We can rent out 10 drysuits for cooler seasons, dry bags, maps and other necessary safety equipment, depending on the level of difficulty of the hike. We can always provide training in simpler canoe and kayak steering techniques.
Additional information
Features and amenities
Soomaa National Park
Free parking
Opening times
01.03 - 30.11
Advance bookings only