ESTONIA Medical Spa & Hotelli panoraamkohvik

ESTONIA Medical Spa & Hotel Panorama cafe

Pärna tänav 12, Pärnu linn, Pärnu 80012
See on map

The comfortable ESTONIA Medical Spa & Hotel Panorama cafe is located on the 8th floor of the hotel. From here you can see the captivating view overlooking the sea, the Pärnu river, the city and the parks. At our cafe, you are welcome to celebrate birthdays and have meetings, seminars, trainings, and various events for up to 45 people. A rooftop terrace is also open during the summer months. We offer catering services from snacks to buffet-dinners. The selection includes classical Estonian festive dishes of well-known quality. Please call or write to us in order to book the cafe and obtain a personal offer.

Features and amenities

Outside on the terrace (in summer) 16
Inside 45


Wheelchair accessible
Free parking
Paid parking

Features and amenities

Group catering
Live music

Getting there

We are located on the 8th floor of the ESTONIA Medical Spa & Hotel.

Nearby stops

Bus: Rannapark


Sealed access road
By excursion bus
By public transport
By car

Times and prices



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