Muusikaline muinasjutt. Reis kuule

Pärnu Kontserdimaja, Aida 4
See on map

Times and prices


12:00 - 13:00

Wed, 4 December 12.00 Vanemuine Concert Hall

Thu, 5 December 12.00 Pärnu Concert Hall

Sat, 7 December 12.00 Estonia Concert Hall

Trip to the Moon

Estonian National Male Choir

Aita Vaher (storyteller) 


Madis Muul (keyboards)

Pent Järve (guitar)

Kristjan- Robert Rebane (bass)

Ramuel Tafenau (percussions)

Conductor Rasmus Erismaa

This musical fairy tale uses the music of the legendary children’s play, ‘How the King Wished to go to the Moon’ (‘Kuidas kuningas kuu peale kippus’, 1976) by Peeter Volkonski and Dagmar Normet.

A musical fairytale comes to life based on the music of the legendary children tale "How the King Came to the Moon" (1976), a collaboration between Peeter Volkonski and Dagmar Normet. This well-known fairy tale, which sounds slightly different in different cultures, takes us back to childhood, bringing memories of a time when everything seemed possible for some, and a realisation of the human foolishness for others.