Glenn Miller Orchestra directed by Wil Salden

Pärnu Kontserdimaja, Aida 4
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19:00 - 23:59

The  jazz band  “The World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra” conducted by Wil Salden with a new program!

 Every two years, this legendary team comes to Estonia.

The orchestra is one of three orchestras in the world that are given the right to be called that way and the only one that can work in Baltic countries!

The repertoire of the Glenn Miller Orchestra includes plays by outstanding composers of the big band era - the era of legendary jazz of the 30-50s of the last century..

Wil Salden, a famous musician and performer from the Netherlands, fell in love with jazz long ago and forever, and managed to gather excellent musicians from different countries, as in love and passionate about jazz as he was.

Wil and his musicians try to bring to life Miller's magic formula: "Every soloist and arranger of music should strive to create a completely new and impeccable style of sound, recognizable from the very first notes."

By the way, according to legend, the most unique and certainly recognizable sound of the Glenn Miller Orchestra was born completely by accident. During the concert, the trumpeter injured his lip, and the musician with the clarinet was forced to take up his part.

Thus, Glenn Miller's playing style was born - a style that gives the audience an unforgettable feeling of celebration and contact with the miracle of Music!!

Naturally, the culmination of the concert will be the performance of the most famous work - “Moonlight Serenade” from the film “Sun Valley Serenade”, which immerses the viewer in the incredible atmosphere of the era of Glenn Miller.