Courtyard of Männi Cafe

Männi Cafe

Riia mnt 110b, Pärnu linn, Pärnu linn 80042
See on map

Männi Cafe is a lovely homely cafe in Pärnu operating already since 1982. We can call ourselves the oldest private company around here thanks to our loyal guests, who find their way to Männi Cafe again and again.

We have delicious food, carefully selected drinks, pleasant atmosphere, and quality service. In addition, there is a play area for children, and fresh newspapers and magazines for adults. Every workday we offer soup and steak as a lunch special.

In summer you can dine outside on the spacious terrace under the pristine pine trees. See you in Männi Cafe!

Features and amenities

Free parking

Times and prices

01.05 - 31.08

10:00 - 21:00

01.09 - 30.04

10:00 - 20:00