Useful information

Useful numbers:

Ambulance, police and rescue service: 112
Medical services: Pärnu Hospital, Ristiku 1, +372 447 3301, 
To call Estonia from abroad, dial +372 xxx
Taxis in Pärnu: (+372) 1200, 1222, 1300, 12255, 1700, 1918

Useful websites:

Official tourist information of Estonia:
Estonian Rural Tourism:
Currency exchange rates:
Visas, consulates:

Public Internet points

You can use public computers and the internet:

Pärnu Central Library (Akadeemia 3) has a public internet point on the ground floor and wireless connection throughout the premises.

Wireless internet connection

Wireless internet (Wi-Fi) is available in most accommodation and eating places.
Weather permitting, you can take your laptop for a stroll too and use the internet in Rüütli Square, Lastepark (between Rüütli, Munga and Vee streets) or on the beach promenade.

Public toilets

A paid toilet is located in Kalda street, near the central bridge. Toilets are also found in shopping centres of Port Artur 1 and 2, Pärnu Shopping Centre and the central library. Toilets are available in many restaurants and cafes and a polite request is usually sufficient to get access to these facilities.

Left luggage

There is a temporary left luggage office in the Cargobus premises in the bus station:
Cargobus, Mo-Fri 8.00-18.00, Ringi 3, Pärnu
Phone: +372 17799

Currency exchange

EUREX – Papiniidu 8/10 (Shopping centre Kaubamajakas), Mon-Sun 10.00-20.00


Visa information is available at the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at
Travel agencies may also help with applying for visas.
Nationals of the member states of the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA) and any third-country national who is a holder of a residence permit of a Schengen state do not need a visa to enter Estonia. The holders of passports of the following countries do not need a visa to enter Estonia for stays of no more than three months in a 6 month period: United States of America, Australia, Japan, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and so on. More information on visa requirements of nationals of these and other countries can be found at


Pärnu Turg, Suur-Sepa 18, Tel +372 443 5895
Pärnu Keskuse taluturg, Aida 7, Tel +372 5817 1504,

For tourism sector


For travellers

For meetings

For tourism sector

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