To Pärnu - Laura Pähkel & Sten Heinoja

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19:00 - 20:30

Laura Pähkel, a flutist from Pärnu, presents a special concert-discussion evening in her hometown to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Pärnu Music School, to thank Pärnu, where it all began, and all her supporters who have made her studies at the Royal College of Music in London – a world-leading performing arts institution – possible.
Joining Laura on stage, both as a soloist and accompanist, will be the internationally recognized pianist Sten Heinoja, who has captured the hearts of the Estonian people with performances that take him around the world. The evening is filled with music encompassing works by Estonian composers as well as an international repertoire.
During the concert-discussion evening, Laura and Sten will share their experiences from London, talk about memories related to Pärnu, and bring listeners stories of life. The evening brings together a warm and homely atmosphere where you can laugh, cry, and enjoy music. Come and join us!