HERRING WEEKEND 24.-26.01 @Krabi Wine & Raw Bar
Times and prices
24.01.25 - 26.01.25
What is the first thought that comes to mind when hearing the word “surströmming”?
Does it come from personal experience, or has a prejudice formed through horror stories heard from acquaintances? 🤔
It's time to explore the truth and head towards Pärnu, because on January 24-26, HERRING WEEKEND is taking place at KRABI, both indoors and outdoors!
Braver enthusiasts are invited by Indrek to the KRABI courtyard, where dishes made from surströmming will be offered. In addition to an exciting taste experience, it's a great opportunity to confirm or debunk previous knowledge.
Guests with a milder taste can enjoy the outdoor event from the warmth of indoors, where a rich selection of herring dishes prepared in various ways awaits.
The herring season that began in January in Germany brings fresh fish directly to KRABI from the Freest area.
Keep an eye on our Facebook event, where we will share more detailed information about the schedule and the menu on offer.
See you at KRABI’s!🦀