CHURCH, TAVERN AND CABBAGE PATCH. The Mundane Everyday Life in a Medieval Small Town
Times and prices
02.05.23 - 29.03.25
Finds unearthed during archaeological excavations on the territory of the former New Pärnu tell stories of the daily life of people who lived here 500-600 years ago. The small exhibition in the courtyard gallery of the Red Tower and on the second floor of the tower tells about the everyday life of a medieval resident of New Pärnu - what the household was like, what was on a person's menu and worn, and how issues of hygiene and leisure activities were managed.
In the Middle Ages, people's lives were strongly regulated by the restrictions that came with city laws and citizen regulations. The everyday life, worldview, and the rhythm of days and years of a medieval person were primarily defined by the church, mainly because life moved to the rhythm of church holidays.
Everywhere within the norms and rules, the New-Pärnu burgher lived as best as he could: he earned his living with trade or crafts, slept in his own or rented wood or stone building, dressed according to his status, ate and drank what he could afford, cared for his body and soul, and entertained himself.
Exhibition curators: Margo Samorokov, Katrin Suu
Designer: Indrek Aija
Pärnu Museum 2023
All exhibited items belong to the collections of the Pärnu Museum.
The exhibition is supported by the Pärnu County expert group of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Descriptions of the items on exterior displays and translations of the exhibition into Russian and Finnish can be found on the second floor of the Red Tower.
The exhibition stands in the courtyard gallery of the Red Tower can be viewed for free. To view the items, a ticket for the Red Tower is required.
The exhibition is open
10.00 AM-6.00 PM
Contact us:
+372 443 3488 (during the tower's opening hours)