Walking tour with a guide ‘The industrial town of Pärnu at the turn of the 19th–20th century’

Guided tour in Pärnu ‘Mediaeval tour – city air makes you free’

Guided tour in Pärnu ‘A walk along the imaginary medieval city wall’

Guided tour of the Pärnu County in the direction of Riga

Guided walking tours around the Old Town of Pärnu

“Aeglane hetk” mesila iseteenindustaru

Guided tour of the Pärnu County, route: Audru-Tõstamaa-Varbla

Thematic Guided Tour “A Pärnu-Flavoured Walk”

Ehtne ja Ehe Handicraft Shop in Pärnu

Guided tours of Pärnu Museum with a taste of times past