Jõulumäe Cross-Country Skiing Series – Pärnu City Open Championships
Times and prices
The Jõulumäe 2025 cross-country skiing series consists of five competition stages from January 29 to March 26. The I and II stages of the cross-country skiing series coincide with the Pärnumaa championships, while the III and V stages coincide with the Pärnu City Open Championships.
I stage 29.01.2025 – freestyle distances, Pärnumaa Championships
II stage 12.02.2025 – classical technique distances, Pärnumaa Championships
III stage 19.02.2025 – freestyle distances, Pärnu City Open Championships
IV stage 05.03.2025 – ski cross
V stage 26.03.2025 – classical distances ÜS, Pärnu City Open Championships
The competitions take place on the artificial snow-covered ski tracks at the Jõulumäe Health Sports Center.
Participation in the competitions is free and only by pre-registration. Registration ends at 23:59 on the day before the competition.
Children's starts begin at 5:30 PM, and adult starts at 7 PM.
Information, registration, and instructions at www.joulumae.ee